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  • 学习工作简历

    2021年9月-2024年7月,北京科技大学,土木与资源工程学院,特聘副教授 (人才引进);
    2016年8月-2018年6月:美国休斯敦大学,环境与土木工程系,国家留学基金委公派联合培养(兼Research Assistant)。

  • 研究领域

    [1] 混凝土材料及结构动力与抗冲击行为和多尺度模拟;
    [2] 钢-混凝土组合结构缺陷无损检测技术和多尺度多物理场仿真;
    [3] 智能结构与材料和传感器研发;
    [4] 桥梁工程施工控制与结构健康监测。

  • 社会兼职

    [1] Engineering Structures、Earthquakes and Structures、Smart Materials and Structures、Computers and Concrete、Construction and Building Materials、Steel and Composite Structures等SCI期刊和国际会议审稿人;
    [2] 中国工程院国际工程科技发展战略高端论坛 组织委员会委员 2019;
    [3] ASCE Earth and Space国际会议Section Chair 2021。

  • 科研项目

    [1] 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,基于多道面波技术识别钢-混组合结构粘结滑移损伤的实验研究与机理分析,2020.01-2022.12 (主持);
    [2] 国家自然科学基金委员会重点国际(地区)合作与交流项目,钢筋混凝土结构可穿戴式传感模块设计与损伤智慧诊断项目,2021.01-2025.12 (主持);
    [3] 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,基于MASW技术识别CFST界面缺陷的实验研究与机理分析,2019.03-2021.01 (主持);
    [4] 湖南省研究生科研创新项目,基于压电的钢管混凝土柱界面剥离缺陷检测机理研究和多尺度数值分析,2016.08-2018.12 (主持);
    [5] Texas Department of Transportation(US),Non-Contact Splices at Drilled Shaft to Bridge Column Interface,2016.01-2019.01 (参与);
    [6] Texas Department of Transportation(US),Performance of Skewed Reinforcing in Inverted-T Bridge Caps,2016.02-2019.02 (参与);
    [7] Department of Energy (US), Periodic Material-Based Seismic Base Isolators for Small Modular Reactors, 2014.10.1-2017.09 (参与)。

  • 代表性科研成果

    [1] 福建省技术发明奖二等奖,2018年;
    [2] 湖南大学优秀博士学位论文,2020年;
    [3] The 4th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring and Integrity Management, The Best Paper Award, ICSHMIM-2018 (国际会议最佳论文奖)。

    [1] 基于压电陶瓷的多道面波分析的无损检测方法及系统 (发明专利),第一完成人;
    [2] 钢-混组合结构界面粘结滑移的实时监测系统(发明专利),第二完成人;
    [3] 一种基于周期性材料的单向开启式防护门(发明专利),第二完成人;
    [4] 一种基于周期性材料的双向推拉式防护门(发明专利),第二完成人。

    [1] Hongbing Chen, Bin Xu, Jiang Wang, Tianmin Zhou, Xin Nie, Y.L. Mo. (2020). Parametric analysis on compressive strain rate effect of concrete using mesoscale modeling approach. Construction and Building Materials, 246, 118375: 1-16. (SCI, Q1, IF: 4.419);
    [2] Hongbing Chen, Bin Xu*, Jiang Wang, Xin Nie*, Y. L. Mo. (2020). XFEM-based multiscale simulation on monotonic and hysteretic behavior of reinforced concrete columns. Applied Science, 10(21), 7899. (SCI, Q2, IF: 2.474);
    [3] Hongbing Chen, Bin Xu, Tianmin Zhou, Yi-Lung Mo (2019). Debonding detection for rectangular CFST using surface wave measurement: Test and multi-physical fields numerical simulation, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 117, 238-254. (SCI, Q1, IF: 6.471);
    [4] Hongbing Chen, Mahadi Masud, Jamshaid Sawab, Hsuan Wen Huang, Bin Xu, Y.L. Mo*and Thomas T.C. Hsu (2019). Parametric study on the non-contact splices at drilled shaft to bridge column interface based on multiscale modeling approach. Engineering Structures, 180, 400-418. (SCI, Q1, IF: 3.548);
    [5] Hongbing Chen, Bin Xu, Jiang Wang, Lele Luan, Tianmin Zhou, Xin Nie, Yi-Lung Mo (2019). Interfacial debonding detection for rectangular CFST using the MASW method and its physical mechanism analysis at the meso-level. Sensors, 19(2778), 1-20. (SCI, Q1, IF: 3.275);
    [6] Hongbing Chen, Bin Xu, Yi-Lung Mo, Tianmin Zhou (2018). Behavior of meso-scale heterogeneous concrete under uniaxial tensile and compressive loadings. Construction and Building Materials, 178, 418-431. (SCI, Q1, IF: 4.419);
    [7] Hongbing Chen, Bin Xu, Yi-Lung Mo, Tianmin Zhou (2018). Multi-scale stress wave simulation for aggregates segregation detection of concrete core in circular CFST coupled with PZT patches. Materials, 11(1223), 1-17. (SCI, Q2, IF: 3.057);
    [8] Hongbing Chen, Masud Mahadi, Sawab Jamshaid, Huang Hsuan-Wen, Bin Xu, Yi-Lung Mo* and Thomas Hsu (2018). Multiscale analysis of non-contact splices at drilled shaft to bridge column interface. Engineering Structures, 176, 28-40. (SCI, Q1, IF: 3.548);
    [9] Hongbing Chen, Xin Nie*, Shiyu Gan, Yudong Zhao, Huahua Qiu. (2021). Interfacial imperfection detection for steel-concrete composite structures using NDT techniques: A state-of-the-art review. Engineering Structures, 245, 112778. (SCI检索);
    [10] Hongbing Chen, Meng Zhou, Shiyu Gan, Xin Nie, Bin Xu and Y.L. Mo. (2021). Review of wave method-based non-destructive testing for steel-concrete composite structures: multiscale simulation and multi-physics coupling analysis. Construction and Building Material, 302, 123832.;
    [11] Bin Xu, Lele Luan, Hongbing Chen*, Jiang Wang and Wenting Zheng (2017). Experimental study on active interface debonding detection for rectangular concrete-filled steel tubes with surface wave measurement. Sensors. 19(3248), 1-14. (SCI, Q1, IF: 3.275);
    [12] Dong Luo, Yuanyuan Li, Hangzhou Yang, Hao Sun, Hongbing Chen*(2020). Exploratory research on ultra-long polymer optical fiber-based corrosion sensing for buried metal pipelines. Smart Structures and Systems, An International Journal. 26(4), 507-520. (SCI, Q1, IF: 3.557);
    [13] Bin Xu, Hongbing Chen, Yi-Lung Mo, Tianmin Zhou (2018). Dominance of debonding defect of CFST on PZT sensor response considering the meso-scale structure of concrete with multi-scale simulation. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 107, 515-528. (导师一作, SCI, Q1, IF: 6.471);
    [14] Bin Xu, Hongbing Chen, Yi-Lung Mo, Xuemin Chen (2017). Multi-physical field guided wave simulation for circular concrete-filled steel tubes coupled with piezoelectric patches considering debonding defects. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 122, 25-32. (导师一作, SCI, Q1, IF: 3.267);
    [15] Bin Xu, Hongbing Chen, Song Xia (2017). Numerical study on the mechanism of active interfacial debonding detection for rectangular CFSTs based on wavelet packet analysis with piezoceramics. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 86, 108-121. (导师一作, SCI, Q1, IF: 6.471);
    [16] Bin Xu, Hongbing Chen, Song Xia (2017). Wave propagation simulation and its wavelet package analysis for debonding detection of circular CFST members. Smart Structures and Systems, 19(2), 181-194. (导师一作, SCI, Q1, IF: 3.557);
    [17] 赵玉栋,陈洪兵*,聂鑫.基于MASW方法识别高速铁路组合桥梁界面剥离损伤的可行性研究.中国铁路, 2019(11):98-103.;
    [18] 郭子煜, 姜越鑫, 徐升桥, 顾奕伟, 陈洪兵*.铁路钢混组合梁栓钉静力和疲劳设计研究.武汉理工大学学报, 2019, 41(11): 69-77.;
    [19] 陈洪兵,张新鹏,张佳丽等.斜拉桥间隔挂索方案的可行性研究.市政技术,2014,32(04):63-65+68.;
    [20] Hongbing Chen, Xin Nie, Bin Xu, Jiang Wang (2020). Multi-scale simulation on reinforced concrete columns subjected to monotonic and cyclic loadings. fib Symposium. November 22-24, Shanghai, China. (EI收录);
    [21] Bin Xu, Hongbing Chen*, Tianmin Zhou. Multi-scale and multi-physical-field coupling simulation on detection mechanism of aggregates segregation in CCFST using PZT based stress wave measurement, 12th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring: Enabling Intelligent Life-Cycle Health Management for Industry Internet of Things (IIOT), IWSHM 2019. September 10 -12, 2019, Pages 1915-1922, Stanford, United States. (EI收录);
    [22] Xin Nie, Yudong Zhao, Hongbing Chen*, Huahua Qiu, Jinyang Gao, Bin Xu (2020). Multichannel analysis of surface waves method-based interfacial debonding defection for concrete-filled double-steel-plate composite walls. ASCE Earth & Space 2021. April 21-23, Seattle, WA. (EI收录,Section Chair);
    [23] Xiaojuan Shu, Mingyan Shen, Xingu Zhong, Tao Yang, Hongbing Chen* (2014). Technique for detecting vertical prestress based on vibration principle. Advanced Engineering and Technology: Proceedings of the 2014 Annual Congress on Advanced Engineering and Technology (CAET 2014), Hong Kong, 19-20 April 2014 (p. 49). CRC Press. (EI收录);
    [24] Bin Xu, Hongbing Chen*, Zeyu Li and Jiang Wang (2018). Multi-scale numerical study on the mechanism of PZT-based debonding detection for concrete-filled steel tubes. The 4th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring and Integrity Management. October 21-23, Hangzhou, China. (The Best Paper Award:最佳论文奖);
    [25] Hongbing Chen*, Bin Xu, Jiang Wang (2019). Multiscale simulation on typical steel reinforced concrete components. The 1st Conference on Computing and Simulation Technology of Civil Engineering. May 24-26, Wuhan, China.;
    [26] Bin Xu, Hongbing Chen*, Yi-Lung Mo, Zeyu Li and Jiang Wang (2018). PZT-based interface debonding detection for rectangular CFST: multiscale modeling and PZT-CFST coupling analysis. The 15th International Symposium on Structural Engineering (ISSE-15). October, 25-27, Hangzhou, China.;
    [27] Xin Nie, Yudong Zhao, Hongbing Chen*, Bin Xu (2019). Propagation analysis of stress wave in steel-concrete composite structures. 16th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction (EASEC16). December 3-6, 2019, Brisbane, Australia.。