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  • 学习工作简历


  • 研究领域

    [1] 混凝土材料及结构细观多尺度模拟;
    [2] 土木工程结构缺陷无损检测技术和多尺度多物理场仿真;
    [3] 土木工程结构超声检测设备研发;
    [4] 土木工程结构缺陷检测及成像。

  • 社会兼职

    Engineering Structures、Measurement、Advances in structural engineering 等SCI期刊审稿人。

  • 科研项目

    国家重点研发计划专项:单体建筑隐蔽损伤数字孪生智能诊断技术, 科技部,2024-2027(主持)。

  • 代表性科研成果

    [1] 华侨大学校级优秀博士学位论文,2023年;
    [2] 《考虑细观结构影响的超高层建筑钢管混凝土缺陷检测机理研究》获广东省建筑业协会国际先进水平意见鉴定。

    [1] 2020.01 深圳市岗厦天元花园6栋钢管混凝土柱质量检测;
    [2] 2021.06 深圳市百外大厦地下室钢管混凝土柱质量检测;
    [3] 2021.06 深圳市赛格大厦钢管混凝土柱质量检测即振动原因调查;
    [4] 2021.12 深圳市大家财险大厦钢管混凝土实验柱及地下柱质量检测;
    [5] 2022.07 江苏张靖皋长江大桥组合索塔钢管约束混凝土柱检测标准制定。

    [1] Jiang Wang, Bin Xu, Hongbing Chen, Hanbin Ge, Chen Wang (2022). Mesoscale numerical analysis and test on the effect of debonding defect of rectangular CFSTs on wave propagation with a homogenization method. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 163(12):108135. (第一作者, 中科院一区TOP);
    [2] Jiang Wang, Bin Xu, Hongbing Chen, Hanbin Ge (2022). Multi-physics mesoscale substructure analysis on wave propagation within CFST-PZT coupling models for interface debonding detection. Sensors, 22(3): 1039. (第一作者,中科院三区);
    [3] Jiang Wang, Bin Xu, Qian Liu, Ruiqi Guan, Xiaoguang Ma (2023). Feasibility of stress wave based debond defect detection for RCFSTs considering the influence of randomly distributed circular aggregates with mesoscale homogenization methodology. Materials, 16(8): 3120. (第一作者,中科院三区);
    [4] Bin Xu, Lele Luan, Hongbing Chen, Jiang Wang* and Wenting Zheng (2019). Experimental study on active interface debonding detection for rectangular concrete-filled steel tubes with surface wave measurement. Sensors. 19(3248), 1-14. (共同通讯作者, 中科院三区);
    [5] Hongbing Chen, Bin Xu, Jiang Wang, Xin Nie, Y. L. Mo (2020). XFEM-based multiscale simulation on monotonic and hysteretic behavior of reinforced concrete columns. Applied Science, 10(21), 7899. (共同第一作者, 中科院三区);
    [6] Jiang Wang, Bin Xu, Qian Liu, Ruiqi Guan, Xiaoguang Ma (2024). Feasibility of interface debonding detection for RCFST with coupling homogenization finite element models using PZT-based stress wave measurement. Smart Structures and Systems. (第一作者, 中科院三区, 小修);
    [7] 王江, 许斌, 陈洪兵. 混凝土受拉性能多尺度均匀化数值模拟研究. 应用力学学报, 2019(3):10. (第一作者,CSCD) ;
    [8] 李维康,王江,许斌.基于多尺度均匀化的钢筋混凝土柱偏心受压性能模拟研究.应用力学学报:1-10. (第二作者,CSCD);
    [9] 王公志,王江,许斌.轻粗骨料含量对混凝土抗压性能尺寸效应影响的细观数值模拟.力学季刊,2023,44(02):456-468. (第二作者,CSCD扩展板);
    [10] 赵宝军, 陈洪兵, 刘晓刚, 赵 鹤, 王江, 装配式钢筋混凝土剪力墙结构无损检测技术研究综述, 工业建筑. (通讯作者,小修,CSCD);
    [11] Jiang Wang, Bin Xu, Hongbing Chen, Hanbin Ge (2022). Mesoscale homogenization numerical study on the significance of concrete mesoscale structure on wave propagation of rectangular RCFSTs with debonding. The 13th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring. March, 15-17, Stanford, CA, USA. (第一作者,EI收录);
    [12] Jiang Wang, Bin Xu, Hongbing Chen, Hanbin Ge (2022). Tomographic imaging method based on PZT technology for defects detection of CFST member considering multiphysics coupling effects. The 11th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure. August 8-12, Montreal, QC, Canada. (第一作者);
    [13] Jiang Wang, Qian Liu, Bin Xu (2023). Experimental study on interface debonding defect detection in a large-scale concrete-filled steel tube based on surface wave measurements. The Society for Machinery Failure Prevention Technology (MFPT). July 28, Niagara Falls, Canada. (第一作者);
    [14] Va Kong, Xiaoguang Wang, Qiong Wang, Zhen Li, Hongbing Chen, Jiang Wang (2023). Theoretical and Simulation Study on the Vibration Modes of Shear Walls in Prefabricated Modular Construction. The 3rd International Conference on Computational Modeling, Simulation and Data Analysis, Octobor 22-24, Hai Nan, China. (通讯作者,已录用);
    [15] Bin Xu, Jiang Wang, Qian Liu (2023). Tomographic imaging for concrete core defects detection of mesoscale CFST members using stress wave measurements considering multi-physics coupling effects. The 12th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference, August 14-18, Chicago, Illinois, USA. (第二作者);
    [16] Bin Xu, Jiang Wang, Hongbing Chen, Yi-Lung Mo (2021). Multiscale simulation on the mechanism of debonding defect detection for concrete-filled steel tubes with piezoelectric materials. International Conference on Advances in Functional Materials, August 18-20, University of California, Los Angeles, USA. (第二作者)。