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  • 研究领域


  • 本科生/研究生课程


  • 科研项目

    [1] 国家自然科学基金资助项目:基于SHM的运营环境作用对桥梁模态频率的影响研究(51608034), 主持;
    [2] “香江学者计划”资助项目:Study on Temperature Behavior of Bridges in Real-time through the Integration of Field Monitoring with Advanced Computational Technique(XJ2018062), 主持;
    [3] 中国博士后科学基金资助项目:基于监测指标周期变化的桥梁性能监控研究(2016M600925), 主持;
    [4] 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目:基于监测数据的斜拉桥运营环境作用效应研究(FRF-TP-16-012A1), 主持;
    [5] 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目:基于实测温度效应的桥梁性能监控方法研究(FRF-TP-18-028A2), 主持;
    [6] 北京科技大学青年教师学科交叉研究项目(中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金)资助项目:基于大数据可视化的桥梁结构健康监测数据挖掘(FRF-IDRY-19-030), 共同主持;
    [7] 国家重点研发计划课题:港珠澳大桥智能化运维技术集成应用(2019YFB1600700), 参与;
    [8] 国家重点研发计划课题:安全韧性城市构建与防灾技术研究与示范(2018YFC0809900). 参与;
    [9] 国家重点基础研究发展(973)计划:特大跨桥梁全寿命灾变控制与性能设计的基础研究(2013CB036305), 参与;
    [10] 苏通大桥斜拉索减振阻尼器性能试验, 参与;
    [11] 香港昂船洲大桥拉索阻尼器测试试验, 参与;
    [12] 泰州长江大桥中塔阻尼特性测试, 参与;
    [13] 无锡直湖港大桥、望虞河大桥健康监测系统设计与施工, 参与;
    [14] 铜陵长江大桥钢绞线斜拉索阻尼性能测试, 参与;
    [15] 海南文昌铺前大桥结构健康监测系统初步设计, 参与。

  • 代表性科研成果


    悬索桥中跨主缆跨中挠度和高程随温度变化的估算方法. 专利号: ZL201910233676.8. (第一发明人,已授权)。

    [1] 周毅. 斜拉桥运营环境作用的影响分析——基于结构健康监测大数据. 北京: 人民交通出版社, 2018.;
    [2] Zhou Yi, Sun Limin*. Insights into Temperature Effects on Structural Deformation of a Cable-stayed Bridge Based on Structural Health Monitoring. Structural Health Monitoring. 2019, 18(3): 778-791. (中科院1区);
    [3] Zhou Yi*, Sun Limin*. A Comprehensive Study of the Thermal Response of a Long-span Cable-stayed Bridge: From Monitoring Phenomena to Underlying Mechanisms. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2019, 124: 330-348. (中科院1区);
    [4] Zhou Yi*, Sun Limin*. Effects of Environmental and Operational Actions on the Modal Frequency Variations of a Sea-crossing Bridge: A Periodicity Perspective. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2019, 131: 505-523. (中科院1区);
    [5] Zhou Yi*, Xia Yong*, Chen Bo, Fujino Yozo. Analytical Solution to Temperature-induced Deformation of Suspension Bridges. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2020, 139: 106568. (中科院1区);
    [6] Zhou Yi*, Sun Limin*, Fu Zhenhui, Jiang Zhen, Ren Pengjie. General Formulas for Estimating Temperature-induced Mid-span Vertical Displacement of Cable-stayed Bridges. Engineering Structures. 2020, 221: 111012. (中科院2区);
    [7] Zhou Yi, Sun Limin*. Effects of High Winds on a Long-Span Sea-Crossing Bridge Based on Structural Health Monitoring. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. 2018, 174: 260-268.(中科院2区);
    [8] Sun Limin, Zhou Yi*, Min Zhihua. Experimental Study on the Effect of Temperature on Modal Frequencies of Bridges. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics. 2018, 18(12): 1850155.(中科院3区);
    [9] Zhou Yi, Sun Limin*, Peng Zhijian. Mechanisms of Thermally Induced Deflection of A Long-span Cable-stayed Bridge. Smart Structures and Systems. 2015, 15(3): 505-522.(中科院3区)。